How on Earth did I keep my head in the sand that long?

DanielleWamUncategorized2 Comments

So three days ago I ‘discovered’ goodreads. I know I know. Right? How does an author not know about goodreads. Well suffice it to say that I’d heard it mentioned many times in reference to other authors or agents (or the like). When I would see the term ‘goodreads’ I simply thought of other sites where it’s a small number of people writing the reviews. I had no idea it was a social site for reviews of books until I saw it on Medeia Sharif’s site ( She had a button to ‘Find Me’ on goodreads. I clicked on it not sure how she could be found on that site and I never looked back. Many many thanks go out to her. 😀

I absolutely positively love goodreads! A place to review books you liked or didn’t like, hear what other’s think about a book before you read it, find other books similar to what you already read and a place where you can recommend many of your favourites to others.

So I suppose I’ve now been inducted into the official ‘I’m a real author’ guild. Here’s to good reading, good writing and sharing it with others who share your love!

And —of course— here’s (another) link to good reads:     goodreads

Oh and is it bad that in the four days I’ve been using my goodreads account the to-read list is now 27 books long? Good grief.
